domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020

TIGER 5: UNIT 5 - 5TH - 5º (4TH MAY WEEK)

Good morning class!!
 How are you? I hope you are fantastic.

1. After translating the summary of the story, it's time to do the
 Activity Book page 46.

2. Now,  you have got a worksheet to review the past tense of to be.

Verb to be – Simple Past
1. Complete.
I was
You ......
He ......
She ......
It ......
We were
You .......
They .......

2. Complete with was or were.
1. John ...... at home last week.
2. They ...... at the cinema yesterday.
3. Your parents ...... at the station at nine o´clock.
4. Mary ...... in the street this morning.
5. My aunt ...... in hospital yesterday morning.
6. I ...... at school this morning.
7. Jill and Kevin ...... at the zoo last Sunday.
8. We ...... in a Chinese restaurant last night.

3. Write these sentences in the negative form.
1. Mum was at home this morning. .................................................................................
2. Paul and Mary were in the shop. .................................................................................
3. His friends were very happy yesterday afternoon. ......................................................
4. I was late for the cinema. ............................................................................................
5. We were at home to watch a film on TV. ....................................................................

4. Answer these questions with short answers, as in the example.
1. Were you at home last night? Yes, I was / No, I wasn´t
2. Was it hot yesterday? ......................................
3. Were your friends at home last Monday? .....................................
4. Was your father at work this morning? .....................................
5. Were you in class yesterday morning? .....................................

Eu visito a meus avós os sábados. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________________
Ela toca o violín os mércores. _________________________________________
Ti ves a televisón pola tarde. ______________________________________
El axuda na casa as fins de semana. ___________________________________
Nós xogamos ao fútbol os domingos. __________________________________
Ela escoita música os xoves. __________________________________________
Elas xogan ao baloncesto os luns. _____________________________________
El traballa duro na escola todos os días. ___________________________________

- Can you write the sentences in the negative form? Agora converte as oracións que traduciches en oracións negativas. Lembra poñerlle DON'T antes do verbo ou DOESN'T se é he/she/it.
Example: I don't drive a car = Eu non conduzo un coche.

- Can you write the sentences in the interrogative form? Agora tes que converter as oracións en oracións interrogativas. Lembra poñer DO diante do suxeito
      ou DOES se é he/she/it.
Example: Does they drive a car? = Conducen elas un coche?

Has he got....? Yes, he has / No, he hasn't
Is she tall? Yes, she is / No, she isn't
Is the car blue? Yes, IT is / No, IT isn't
Can he ride a bike? Yes, he can /  No. he can't
Does he like pizza? Yes, he does/No, he doesn’t

Have a nice week!!

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