martes, 14 de abril de 2020


Hello class! How are you?
How was Easter? I hope it was very well.

Today we are starting UNIT 5, so you have to go to the link and enter:

username: macmillantigertracks5
password: macmillantigertracks5

Go to the VOCAB APP and select UNIT 5. Then, click NEXT.
Listen and repeat the words of this unit.
You have the new vocabulary in the attached document.
Then, you can practice the new words with the games:
- Word maze (escucha y seleccionala correcta)
- Find the pairs (encuentra las parejas)
- Definitions (elige la definición correcta para la palabra que aparece en la parte inferior)

I help at home: yo ayudo en casa
I visit my grandparents: yo visito a mis abuelos
I watch TV: yo veo la tele
I look after my pet: yo cuido de mi mascota.
I talk to my Friends: yo hablo con mis amigos
I use a computer: yo uso un ordenador
I listen to music: yo esucho música
I work hard at school: yo trabajo duro en el colegio.
I share things with my friends: yo comparto cosas con mis amigos

This unit we are going to learn things about Scotland.
Now, go to the page 45 in the Pupil's book and read the text.
You have some difficult words here:

Los verbos acabados en -ED indican pasado (lo veremos más adelante), por ejemplo visited (visité), enjoyed (disfruté) o walked (caminé)
Last weekend: el pasado fin de semana
Last Saturday; el pasado sábado
On top of a high rock: en la cima de una roca alta
Amazing view: vista increíble
Cool: guay
Main shopping Street: calle principal de compras
Quite boring: bastante aburrido
Afterwards: posteriormente
Grass: césped
Yatch: yate
Boat: barco
Royal: real (de la realeza)

Finally, you have to do exercise 5 (writing questions and answers) and send it to me in a document.

See you soon

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